Thursday, March 16, 2006

Following The Rabbit

Thursday, March 16, 2006
9:23:22 PM

I have been counting the number of times I received a certain ‘omen’ for quite sometime…it was so refreshing…the number put a smile on my face and I was able to sleep peacefully…I mean, it was easy to ignore the omen, since there had been other omens contradicting this wonderful omen…how do anti-omens work, I wonder…readers might be baffled at what I am saying right now…you might be thinking I am talking about one of those Astrology, Numerology or Tarot Reading books…but no! It’s none of those…It’s something entirely different…and I want it to be as different as it can get…something that is a never-ending challenge in itself…self-persisting…yet changing…well, I am just this gal, ya know…

The number crossed 13 instances…so I am beginning to believe in it…well, no book says that any omen has to cross 13 instances…I only felt that…well, I am just this gal, ya know…

It’s an odd vision, an uncalled for connection, a calling which is not so audible to the five senses…in front of which, I stand a shade less brighter…and I feel no compulsion to compete with that…it’s the revolutionary existence of a small word…I see it in flashes, and I saw them in those omens…thirteen and running, although interrupted by an array of anti-omens…have you? Well, I’m just this gal, ya know…


Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »

Delphic Oracle said...

what do u mean where i found it??? It's what I felt and wrote about a certain thought...